Friday, October 17, 2008

Kings to Tarpon East is the Least

The Venice Pier Report sponsored by
Kahula Kites and the Venice Pier Anglers
For the weekend of the 18th Oct.

With the water teaming with boo coo bait this should be the best time of year to fish the waters of our area for Kings to Tarpon this time of year with the exception we have three things stacked against us; the wind, the moon, the temperature. At 83 degrees it is ten degrees too hot and with the wind blowing from the east as they say, “the fish bite least”, topped with a full moon and higher than normal tides and it equates out to some real itty or hit and miss angling! Changing all of the above except the water temperature this week has yielded Cobia to thirty inches, kings to 48, Spanish averaging three to seven and nice slot Reds to Snook at the beach head but only on a westerly wind!

Easterly winds, there are the here and there kings brought up on the boards like Erik’s 48 incher earlier this week and my 26 inch Schoolie caught on 12# test with a spoon and no wire, sure was tasty grilled in lemon butter king. Ben’s Slashed Jack on a Trollied and Edwin’s thirty pounder miss as it tried to hit a greenie free lined on a 12# line and hook; ha, ha, ha. Last night the runs were quite often with small sharks brought to the boards but none up on the boards and, of course the cut off and ones that got away. If the wind should change any direction from the southwest, west, northwest or north the King action should improve dramatically so keep an eye to the weathercocks. Water temps are dropping and it will take time for this to take place so do not hold your breath or you will be dead and blue before tis happens and the moon is waning down, so in a couple of days you may join me on the dark side Luke and we will catch more fish. Until then, Same’O Same’O Pier stuff… “FISH ON!”

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