Monday, November 15, 2010

Pier Fishing At Venice Florida, Catching Shark


Out on the Boards with Sharky's Sharks
As water temperatures have been on the drop, with the passage of each new weekly cold front, so to has been the bite of a variety of fish. Those magic temperatures between 70 and 75 degrees bring in the Kings as the run their migratory dash up or down our beaches, depending on the time of year it is and to this migratory run are to those who would dine upon them; sharks, big sharks! Fall has transitioned into winter and to has the water temperature, moving earlier in the week to the upper sixties. This is usually the end or near the end of catching big Kings from out on the boards of the Venice City Pier, at Sharky's. At 68 degrees, the water has a bit of a chill to it, but to some species it is a holiday tune where our local visiting Bulls move onto the beaches and as the bait starts to become more scarce to none at all, birthing on the beaches of Venice will begin.
The really big female Bull Sharks generally do not show up to deliver pups until around Christmas in Venice, Florida but this year seems to be off to a really odd start. Last years extremely cold killing waters or the vast reaches of the oil as it was everywhere and then, poof; it was no where? What ever the reasons, a big female bull shark was caught on the 13th of this month, the day the water hit 68 degrees but too, were flounder, Spanish and yes, their big brothers the Kingfish or King Mackerel. 

As the temperatures rose today, so did the water temperature and thus at 70 degrees, who knows what tomorrow will bring as again an approaching cold front will skirt through the area and like a roller coaster the bite will turn it on to turn it off as the baits move in and off the beaches. Hopefully it will be a mild winter and the shark fishing will only improve as the months go by with January/February being the best in bite at night when angling for jaws of the deep. “From dusk till dawn, the feed is on” if your into shark fishing. Apparently, this shark on Saturday did not know of this old saying, as she took a bite while the beaches were full of swimming baits and people too. Enjoy this video from Florida Fishing Deep Sea .com as Mel Larsen and Rob were having fishing fun...

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