This white shark head was seized by federal and state authorities from a Seminole storage facility in 2007, where
the jaws of this estimated 10- to 12-footer caught in the gulf could be worth $20,000 on the black market.
Commercial shark season recently opened in the Gulf of Mexico, but anglers should know they might get more than they bargained for if they are angling for jaws.
This is the time of year that big bulls are out on the beaches at night delivering pups between the bars with a hunger and thirst for fresh meat. If they can catch their own first-born and they do often, it goes back inside as a meal. The Venice City Pier located at Sharky’s on the Pier 1600 Harbor Drive South, sets some three hundred feet outside the last sandbar or just over seven-hundred feet from the waters edge, making it as a pearl in location for catching big winter sharks. Zebco need not apply here at night as only the mighty are amongst the victors at fights end; Penn, Avet, International, Accurate to name but a few are the names of equipment in aid to the Venice pier anglers who are in pursuit of the biggest and best shark to claim as their own. Baits range from Barracuda to Kingfish heads and reel sizes from a cheeky 4/0 to massive workhorses in the 18/0 category, one speed or two, four hundred pound test leaders and hooks to match in strength, shark fisherman are serious in their quest to be the best. Many a large predator has but picked up bait and made that long zinging sound of a reel groaning in action, only to keep right on going and spooling out five-hundred yards of line to tail whipping a four hundred pound test leader at twelve feet in length. Even better yet, to an amazing surprise of a straitened out 12/0 hook or bit in half wire leader to match none! These great sharks are the ones that got away. I wonder if it could be…
Florida Great White Sharks.
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