Jimmy at Papa’s Bait Shoppe at Sharky’s on the Pier said it was pretty slow this week as far as fish goes. A hit and miss situation. The pier when I got there was a balmy hot with Titans building to the south and the Gods were throwing bolts there and far, “I wonder if it’ll hit here”, Jimmy exclaimed, “Nah”, I said, the Gods of Sharky’s will part the clouds like Moses on the Red Sea and Lightning will come to dinner everywhere else but not here, just a blow.” Sure enough, the clouds parted, it blackened towards Tampa and down south my way in North Port. Out here, on the pier, it was just a stiff cool breeze, as I observed one person using a Gotcha combo sabiki rig, catching really nice twenty inch plus Spanish. He was catching them one after another!
Gee Whiz Jimmy, I stated, I thought you said nothing going on. He shrugged his shoulders. Must be a secret this week. He did tell me though that earlier a nice flounder was caught in the morning and earlier in the week guy caught seven undersized Snook at beaches edge, from atop the pier, from underneath. That is a tongue twister, using greenies freelinned on a 2/0 circle Owner hook. All were brought up with a bridge net, as required by law, and released by lowering them back into the water where the swam off. OK! Out on the end, I conversed with long time friend and expert on anything thing with fins and swims ‘Dennis’ as he was “Trollying” fishing.
I asked if he was after smokers (lone King Mackerels that patrol the beaches in the summer time in the 49 pound plus range), or that big ole’ Cuda right there, as I pointed out under the pillions at the break under the “T”. “Nope”, he said, Tarpon are my game and have been all week. Apparently, he has jumped a couple this week, making his total now of I believe he said seven from the piers end. Today’s were little ones at around forty to fifty pounds but were fun to catch. “I’ve had more fun today watching the tourist dangling shrimps to hardware down to that Cuda for hours and he ain’t gonna bite nut’n.” If your ever out on the Venice Pier and need advice, the guys in the shop are there to help you out and if need be, they will point out guys like Dennis, good ole Florida Boys that cut their front teeth on fishing line and the business, they to, if you lend an ear will give you a hand in how to catch big fish. The problem today is, everybody is an expert and nobody listens. I was about to leave when one of the locals ask if I had been up in the Harbor, back in the skinny water lately, to which I replied yes I had and will again on Friday. He was planning to shark fish but was targeting Black Tips particularly. I told him his chances of catching a Black Tip in this hot water of this pier this evening might happen but I wouldn’t put money on it. On the other hand, with enough chum and staying overnight it might be possible to get something big to bite off the pier, if you have the right equipment. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your time. He asks me what I meant and what type of gear so I told him about another friend of mine Mel Larsen. He said, that crazy old coot, what has he ever caught.
I told him the story about his homemade 32/0 fishing reel and showed him this picture, then he caught my meaning. Smart guy! He said where would you try and I said, Don’t laugh, but with all the spawns going on in the skinnies, I’d pick a four-tide day and fish and out flowing tide. Which one he asked again. Who cares, the sharks don’t, why should you, and that is another area for another report.
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